Managed And Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting
By Jack Piersol, Mon Dec 26th
With large and complex website that receives a lot of trafficyou may find that shared hosting is not for you. It could belimiting your growth and the capacity to serve your customers.If you find yourself in this situation, it may be time to moveon to dedicated hosting which offers many advantages over sharedhosting.
Dedicated web hosting is much more expensive than shared hostingbecause the cost of operating the server is not divided betweenvarious accounts. Paying the higher price, however, lets you useall server resources as you please.
There are many different dedicated hosting packages available.Their prices depend on the physical setup of the server computer- faster processors, mome memory and bigger hard drives costmore.
Managed hosting
Another factor influencing the price is whether or not theserver is managed. Keeping a server running in top condition canbe a time consuming task requiring certain technical skills.
A managed hosting service offers the support and expertise tomaintain your server and to perform routine maintenance withoutyour involvement. This can be a viable alternative to hiringyour own staff to maintain your servers.
The drawback of managed hosting is that it can be a lot moreexpensive than unmanaged hosting. Whether the price is justifieddepends on the complexity of your website and whether youalready have people who can look after the server operations.Unmanaged hosting
Unmanaged hosting, despite its name, does not reallyleave you entirely to your own devices. Most hosting companiesoffer a certain level of support for all their dedicated hostingpackages. This support includes hardware maintenance with extratechnical support available if you need help with configurationor software installation.
You likely will have to pay for this extra support, but it maybe cheaper than going with a full managed package.
Check to see how much control you can have over the serverhardware with unmanaged hosting. You should be able to rebootyour server when you need it or to expect someone to do it foryou with a minimum of delay.
The value of a dedicated hosting package depends on thereliability and integrity of the hosting company. If yourwebsite needs dedicated hosting, you need to use a hostingprovider that you can rely on to keep your site online.
The choice between managed or unmanaged hosting depends on thetechnical requirements of your website and your ability tomanage a server and keep it running at peak efficiency. If youprefer to have highly trained professionals looking after theserver, go with managed hosting. If you can handle most of themaintenance yourself, choose an unmanaged server.
About the author:Article by provide information on small business web hosting companies, reseller hosting, anddedicated server packages.
We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to host that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.
And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our colocation hosting website.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Managed And Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting
6:57 PM
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The Third Wave Of Web Hosting
The Third Wave Of Web Hosting
By Bruce Zhang
b>The First Wave - ISP Wave
The first wave of Web hosting started in the middle of 1990s. Atthe time, there weren't really many web hosting companies. Webhosting was a part of ISP (Internet Service Provider) operation.Within two years, the number of ISPs had grown from a few dozensto a few thousands in United States alone. Many analystspredicated that the consolidation of ISP industry wasunavoidable. But the analysts didn't pay much attention to thefuture of the web hosting. The web hosting clients for ISPs weremost small to medium-sized organizations which couldn't offer tohave dedicated Internet connection.
The Second Wave - One Plan Hosting Wave As large telecommunication companies entering into the ISPindustry and the prevailing of broadband connection into bothcommercial and residential buildings, a few leading ISP, such asAOL had grabbed residential users from small ISP companies, andtelecommunication companies had stolen or acquired commercialclients from small or regional ISP companies. Because of theeconomy of scale, ISPs couldn't compete with either AOL, Comcastor Qwest for Internet connection service. Most ISP companieswere disappeared as fast as they were emerged.
On the other hand, the growth of the Web has pushed the secondwave of web hosting. The web hosting companies offer hostingservice at a fraction of cost of what ISPs used to charge. Incontrast to the Web hosting service from ISP, which is oftencustomized for each client one way or another, the idea of onehosting plan has helped grow the client base from a few hundredsto hundreds of thousands at few leading hosting companies in afew short years. Todays' web hosting companies don't offerInternet connection service at all. It's unbelievable that earlyISP companies had never attempted to transform themselves intoweb hosting companies to survive the inevitable consolidation ofISP industry.
6:51 PM
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Thursday, February 7, 2008
Virtual Dedicated Web Hosting
Virtual Dedicated Web Hosting
By Michael Colucci, Sun Jan 1st
Mostwebmasters on the net today are familiar with what the industrycalls "shared" web hosting accounts. A shared hosting account iswhere you rent a small amount of space on a server which isshared among many other users.
This is a cheap way to get started online but it has manydisadvantages - you will encounter email delivery problemsbecause of spam complaints against other sites on the sameserver. You will find your site's grinding to a halt whensomeone else does some heavy database work on your server. Youmight even find your site going down because of a denial ofservice attack against someone else hosting hacking or piracyrelated material on your server (these type of sites attractantisocial elements!)
How can you avoid all of this drama?
By upgrading to a virtual dedicated server. A virtual dedicatedserver lets you run your sites as if you had your own"dedicated" server, except it is cheaper because you are reallyjust using part of a server that has been split into multiplevirtual dedicated servers.
You can find out more about this by searching Google for"virtual dedicated hosting". Virtuozzo is the main commercialsoftware that web hosts use to run virtual hosting services.
You will find virtual dedicated server accounts starting at just$30 a month. You'll get a much larger chunk of bandwidthcompared to shared hosting, and none of the problems that gowith a shared host. You can also get multiple IP addresses thatare exclusive to your sites.
So what's the catch? Not much. You'll probably spend a bit moreon hosting each month. The main disadvantage of upgrading tovirtual dedicated hosting is that you will need to be moretechnically proficient so that you can administer the server.
This requires a bit of time learning the necessary Linux skillsto make sure your server runs smoothly.
Many hosting providers will have a "premium" support offeringthat includes a bit more hand holding - this is definitelyrecommended if you don't have much experience with Linux, or arenew to virtual dedicated hosting.
With the increased speed and bandwidth that a virtual dedicatedhost offers, and none of the shared hosting headaches, the moveis one you will never regret. So, the question now becomes, areto ready and willing to take-on the challenge of virtualdedicated web hosting and save yourself some hard earned cash?The choice is yours..
About the author:For website hosting please visit Completehosting plans starting at $2.99 per month.
(You are granted the right to reprint this article but the titleand content must remain unchanged and the authors name andcontact information must be included.)
2:53 AM
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Web Hosting Reviews - Can You Trust Them?
Web Hosting Reviews - Can You Trust Them?
By Kai Virihaur
The market is filled with web hosting services providers of allshapes and sizes. In this jungle of hosting companies, how doyou make a good choice? Should you trust the sites offering webhosting reviews?
Imagine doing a search on Google for "web hosting company", andcoming up with around 1,700,000 hits! How can you possibly findthe best web hosting plan for your needs among all those? Youmay look at the prices, thinking: "I will get a good deal bylooking for the cheapest web hosting plan".
Well, not a good idea IMHO. Because of the fierce competitionbetween providers of web hosting services, they often try to cutcosts by cutting down on support, and also by vastly oversellinghardware and bandwidth resources. The result: poor support andpoor reliability. Simply put: your website goes down, and nobodylistens to you when you try to tell your hosting company aboutit.
What you want and need is not a cheap web hosting plan, but agood web hosting plan that fits your budget. Having realizedthis, you start looking around for advice on good web hosting.Now, chances are you will then stumble upon some web hostingreview site, which is happy to tell you that is the verybest web hosting provider in the world! Fine, you think, now myproblem is solved thanks to that piece of valuable information.
Wrong again - most likely. The truth is, that many web hostingcompanies pay very generous commissions to those who refer newcustomers to them.
It then becomes very tempting to set up a"web hosting reviews" website which is actually nothing but abillboard for the best-paying web hosting services providers,with no regard for their actual merits. And so it goes. I havepersonally looked over about a hundred of those web hostingreviews' sites, and in most cases they are just that -billboards. Often, they strongly recommend web hosting companiesthat are actually known to have a very poor customer reputation.Thus, they are really spreading misinformation and confusioninstead of offering good advice.
The only reliable way of telling if a web hosting company isworth doing business with, is to see what their customers aresaying about it. Such customer posts can be found here and thereon various web sites, but you have to know where to look. A fewof those web hosting reviews' sites does actually collect andpost such customer opinions; and you can also find authenticposts by searching on large web hosting forums such asWebHostingTalk.
Needless to say, you should NOT bother with the "customeropinions" posted by the web hosting companies themselves ontheir own sites. Often, those "reviews" are fabricated, orsimply copied from somewhere else.
About the author:I am a researcher, an artist, and a web developer. On mywebsite,, I offer some information on the good type of web hosts - thekind that has a majority of happy and satisfied customers. Ihope these web hostingreviews may prove helpful to some people.
We strive to provide only quality articles, so if there is a specific topic related to host that you would like us to cover, please contact us at any time.
2:22 AM
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